Where Consumers Enjoy Spending Time With Brands.

Brands like Starbucks and Neutrogena cut through the media clutter and engage with desirable audiences with mobile rewarded advertising on Dabbl.

Download the Dabbl media kit and see how brands like yours can earn better performance than industry standards when your ads don’t interrupt.

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Dabbl media kit

Give consumers more control for better results

42 sec
Avg Time Spent
per Experience
Compare at 1, 2, 3, 6 or
10 second “views” elsewhere

4.5% CTR
Avg Click
Through Rate
Compare to sub 1% averages for other types of ads

Avg Brand
Favorability Increase
Exposed to Dabbl
experiences vs Non-exposed

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“Dabbl is quirky and doesn’t feel like an intrusion, more like a friend sharing something cool with you.”

Dabbl user

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