Marketing Budgets Can Support More of People’s Lives Beyond Media Habits

Dinner photo by Kelsey Chance

Brands and their media planners no longer have to limit themselves to the world of consumers’ media consumption to get attention. Crazy, eh? When we think of marketing we think of media content. They just seem to go hand in hand. Either you are paying to inject your brand into someone else’s media content (advertising, […]

Helpful Marketing Campaigns of Cannes 2018

Cannes Lions

We’re big fans of brands’ marketing budgets going toward materially helping improve people’s lives. Ad budgets that directly help people. Even if it’s a little bit. Cannes has its Glass Lion award, for example, within it’s Good category celebrating “culture-shifting creativity” and recognizing work that “addresses issues of gender inequality or prejudice.” Some of these […]

Clean Sheet. How Would You Reinvent Advertising?

Photo by Brooke Cagle

If you could reinvent advertising, what would it look like? A clean sheet. What is your definition of ideal advertising? With radical disruptions in marketing and how people engage and develop trust with brands, modern advertising has found itself in a funk. What would advertising look like that people enjoy rather than avoid? What would […]